Node Yarn Docker

Docker run -p -d /node-web-app. Print the output of your app: $ docker ps $ docker logs Running on If you need to go inside the container you can use the exec command: $ docker exec -it /bin/bash. Hadoop datanode of a hadoop cluster. Pulls 5M+ Overview Tags. Version 2.0.0 introduces uses waitforit script for the cluster startup. Hadoop Docker Supporte.

Step 1 - Create a simple nodejs app

First, you should initialize a new package

and install express framework.

Good. Now you have package.json file with express as a dependency in it. Here is hello world nodejs app in a single file server.js

Good. We have a nodejs app. To test it you can run:

The app should be availbale on http://localhost:8080

Step 2 - Make a docker container

Now let's copy a Dockerfile from official Nodejs website.

We don't want a node_modules folder in our docker container. All dependencies should be installed from scratch. Let's create a .dockerignore file and prevent node_modules from copying to the container.

Done with files. This is your files structure:

Now let's build the container:

You can try to run it:

Result should be the same:

Step 3 - Push to cloud

In order to install node js docker container, create a new app via cli or admin panel and set a port to 8080.

Now just push the container:

Done. The link to app is in control panel.

Bonus 1: SSL certificate for HTTPS

Node Yarn Docker Box

It's already done for you. If you need to connect your custom domain, SSL certificate will be provided for it.

Bonus 2: Autoscaling

Docker react yarn

With autoscaling the app will be scaled up when CPU and RAM load goes up and scaled down when it goes down.

Logs and app status

Docker Yarn Cache

Now you can deploy nodejs with docker without a massive build time.